Greene County

The Gardens Assisted Living at Jefferson

County: Greene
Address: 1000 W Washington St
Jefferson, IA 50129
Phone: 515-386-2555

Services Provided:
- Assisted Living (AL)

Medicaid Accepted: Yes
Medicaid Pending Accepted: Not specified
Years of Private Pay before Medicaid: Not specified

Number of Apartments: 38

Regency Park Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

County: Greene
Address: 100 Ram Dr
Jefferson, IA 50129
Phone: 515-386-4107

Services Provided:
- Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)
- Long Term Care (LTC)
- Memory Care (Mem Care)

Medicaid Accepted: Yes
Medicaid Pending Accepted: Yes
Years of Private Pay before Medicaid: 0

Number of Beds: 46 (46 Medicaid Beds)


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